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Wish to work with people who love their jobs?

WANTED: fund-raiser/development
LOCATION: work from home/remotely

The NCCL apostolate seeks (more…)

Your intentions remembered, even in far away Ethiopia

Fr. Baraki lets you know, in the following email, that he is grateful for your charity, and remembers all of his – and NCCL’s – benefactors at (more…)

Cry for joy over St. Lawrence’s Tears this season

perseid_meteor_and_milky_way_in_2009Looking east after midnight this month will reveal natural marvels to those who, wisely, still follow the Orientale Lumen, The Light of the East – Christ-God.

One need only see a shooting star to recall the greatness of The Lord of Creation. (more…)

Universality, romanity and Giulio Andreotti: the passing of a bona fide Roman

It is with sadness that we mark the passing surely of one of the most renowned Romans of our times. (more…)

‘old & improved’ Spiritual Testament of His Beatitude Josyf (Slipyj), Patriarch of Kyiv-Halych and All Rus’

In order more faithfully to convey the meaning His Beatitude gave to his testament when citing from sacred Scripture, we hereby republish Spiritual Testament, this time (more…)

Missionary in Ethiopia offers Masses for those who donated, and sends a special message

Christ is risen!

The Rev. Abba (Father) Abraha Baraki of the Apostolic Prefecture of Robe-Bale in southeastern Ethiopia sends a report (more…)

God grant her many blessed years to come!

With great joy on the occasion of her 100th birthday, we thank God for, and offer our most cordial greetings in Him to, Mama Hagosa Baraki of Irob, Ethopia.


We ask also the charity of your prayers to God in thanksgiving for Mama Hagosa Baraki, the mother of two Priest-sons, Abbas Abraha & Tesfamariam, of ten other children (including multiple Religious daughters), and numerous grandchildren & great-grandchildren.

Those priests are among the missionaries who offer the holy Mass for the benefactors and friends of the NCCL apostolate in Operation Mission Stipends.

Mama Hagosa is also the grandmother of the young Baraki Brothers whom your charity has brought to the United States for the successful kidney transplant that spared the life of Assefa Hailu Baraki. (See other posts on this blog.) (more…)

Grace is flowing from the altar of missionairies in Ethiopia – thanks to you

In an exchange between NCCL’s Executive Director and Abba Abraha Baraki, of the Apostolic Prefecture of Robe-Bale, Father Abraha gives a detailed account of the most (more…)

They’re thriving, thanks be to God – and your charity

In multiple conversations by Skype since the surgery, patient Assefa & his courageous brother Robel have asked that the Executive Director please to greet in Christ and thank all the many benefactors of the NCCL apostolate for (more…)

Because of you

Actually, because of Christ in you, and working through your charity, Assefa Hailu Baraki has received a second chance at life. Thanks also to the skill & compassion of the chief surgeon, Dr. Matthew Cooper, (more…)